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Rule 4.04

1. League uses the continuous batting order and a player gets hurt, sick, or ejected while at-bat. What do we do now?

Answer: The batter or runner who made the most recent out in that inning, or the runner who scored the most recent run in that inning, (whichever is more recent) takes the place of the injured/ill/ejected batter, assumes the count, and the game continues. If no outs or runs have been recorded in that inning, the batter who completed the final at-bat of the previous inning takes the place of the injured/ill/ejected batter. If the injury/illness/ejection occurs in the first inning, and no outs or runs have been recorded, the batter who is next in the lineup assumes the count and the game continues. However, the replacement batter would only be used in that lineup spot once. If the injured/ill/ejected player is unable to continue in the game, his/her spot is merely skipped over on each subsequent at-bat.

2. League is using the CBO and a player is at bat, hits the ball and is hurt while running the bases. Who takes his place on the base?

It is recommended that the last out of the previous inning is the player who is substituted to run for the injured player. Or you can even use the last out of that offensive inning. What you need to watch out for is getting in a situation where the offensive team needs a run and all of a sudden they need a runner and “they” select the team’s fastest runner. Make it clean and in writing so there will never be any questions.

3. League is using the CBO at the Junior/Senior/Big League level and wants to take its pitcher off the mound put him/her in the dugout for a rest and bring him/her back later because he/she is still in the line up. Can they do that?

No, not really. While admittedly the player is still in the batting order, however, when they took the pitcher off the mound and moved him/her to the dugout they lost their chance to bring the pitcher back. The rule was written to keep the pitcher in the lineup both offensively and defensively

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